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annoying things that break at 200k

My 87 4k (soon to be turbo)q  just turned 200k on my way to providence,
and on the way back I noticed that the cruise control wasn't working, and
that the antenna suddenly wouldn't come up.  The cruise was an easy fix.
the head just popped off the post on the throttle mechanism, but the FUBA
antenna was deffinately FUBAR (sorry, I couldn't resist) :-)

After removing the antenna and taking things apart, I noticed that the
motor/gear assembly managed to tear itself apart.  The main geart that is
driven off of the worm gear on the motor managed to melt the surrounding
plastic on the housing causing the drive gear to loose contact with the
motor rendering it useless.  A quick check on the 5kt parts car, and sure
enough it is the same part less the mounting bracket.  I would have
finished that job tonight, but the mosquitos began to make there presence
known.  Oh well... I can just imagine what is going to break on me when I
put the turbo in.. I think this is one of those Murphy's Law's...

87 4kcsq  awaiting turbo
87 5ktq   donor