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Re: Valve guides for MC engine

In a message dated 8/2/99 1:25:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, tm2@earthlink.net 

> I got my guides from TPC and they have a collar on them whereas the
>  originals did not. The point is, is there a specific distance the guides
>  go in?

It would be hard for them to give you the wrong ones. It's all the same part 
for 8v and 10v gas/diesel/turbo Vw and Audi motors.

>  By the way the intake valve stems seem like they are bigger, am I right?

Nah, 8mm, both intake and exhaust, hence the same guides.

Chris Semple
'87 4000q
   '84 4000q 2.3 Lightweight
       '88 5000tq Avant
           '83 ur-q