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Re: Replaced windshield, fitting issue...

> Looks to me like it's throw a fit time, if they take it out, the
> screens going to be scrap, as it can't be re fitted easily due to the
> bonding process involved. Also check that they haven't damaged the
> paint around / underneath where the screen fits, if they have then it
> may well rust in the future.

Yes, the paint is scratched beyond the edge of the bonded bits.
Galvanised body or not, I'm not happy with them having scraped
the paint. They also scraped the a-pillar trim, I saw this
when I pulled the trim. I think given some time and some sun the
vinyl covering will peel.

Well, I'll be having a word with them about this windshield next
Wednesday. Kind of shocking to thing of this shoddy workmanship
from the leading supplier of auto glass in South Africa.

What I am concerned about (might just be my pickyness) is that
the reason the glass sits low in the centre of the a-pillar than
elsewhere. Is this just a bonding problem?

It is not my week, really.
