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Re: S4 Quattro Wins C&D Sports Sedan Comparison

Don Muirhead writes:
> Larry wrote these words...
> "The Verdict: A tchnological tour de force that's fast and practical, with a price that's easy to 
> justify."
> I don't know Larry - $70k is one hell of a justification.

U.S. price is supposed to be about $38K base MSRP which makes it
quite competitive to the BMW M3.  Considering what you're getting
I think it's quite a steal!  There is simply no other sub-$40K
car in stock form that has the S4's overall level of performance,
comfort, safety, quality, and exclusivity.

96 A4 2.8 quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
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