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RE: Shift Boot

In message <611408FA8FACD2118A670008C75D64FC01AE07C5@euktcnt010.ericsson.se> "Iain Atkinson (ETL)" writes:

> Ouch, that's a pain the wallet. I got a secondhand one for £10.00 gbp
> last year from the scrap yard, same guy sold me an as new RS2 leather
> steering wheel (£300.00 gbp approx) for £25.00 gbp. That was a no
> brainer , get the wallet out now purchase I can tell you.

Today's haul:

  Type 44 stock cruise control actuator
  Type 44 stock cruise control pump
  Type 44 offside bumper bracket
  Two ISVs
  One late model Type 44 bomb
  Two Type 44 bonnet struts (long version)
  Type 44 leather steering wheel

GBP25 - $40.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 0870 0883933