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Re: people running A8 et37 wheels on your 5000/200T,TQ's...read,please...

JordanVw@aol.com wrote:
> running a different offset wheel on the front, than the back, since i rarely
> rotate my tires, if i do, it's left to right.

Which, if they are directional, makes it as bad as front to rear
or any other pattern...

What about putting a 8-10 mm spacer between the hub and the wheel
bearing in the front (sort of expensive as you must sacrifice
presumably good wheel bearings)?  Or even easier, just grind off
that weld lip on the steering arm where it is nearest the tire,
weld it flat and off to the races.

Eric Fahlgren
The Murphy-Fahlgren Family            Try to take over the world.
efhome@adams.com                                  Canton, MI, USA