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Re: Spider Bite

Eric R writes
>I hate to break up this little spider-bite love-in, but I feel 
>compelled to remind you and Jeff that Phil hasn't changed his 
>tune at all. You act as if he has seen the light and been 
>converted. From what I remember, he was under the impression 
>that the bite had at least as much to do with the chassis as 
>the center diff--he never denied that it happened.

Oh contrair piere, er, Eric.  Up to today, he ALWAYS denied that it happened. 
 I'm also an optimist and a believer that once one identifies the "character" 
of the bite one can easily find it in ANY torsen center chassis, BTDT.  The 
only one that I haven't experienced it in is an RS2 equipped torsen.  
However, given that the car is based on the same wheelbase as torsen cars 
here in the states, it can't be exempt, HP doesn't change the physics, 
neither does the chassis.

Phil has changed his tune, and I think he deserves credit for it, especially 
considering some of the discourse from his computer.  I smile some at the 
post itself, because I've always posted, those that have btdt, have NO doubt 
as to Jeff G and my claims (supported by chocholek hisself).  Given the 
experience in ANY single car with a center torsen, claiming chasis dynamics 
with the same device in a different car, really is impossible to do.  But 
I'll take a step at a time anyday, thanks.

IF bite CAN happen in one, none are exempt.  Personally btdt in "your racing 
iron" Eric, so IMO, that eliminates wheelbase from the argument.  Why?  Cuz 
what Phil describes bite is EXACTLY as Jeff and I have all along.  We didn't 
make up the idea on the 'non 44' torsen chassis, with all due respect.  It 
just happens...

My .02

Scott Justusson