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RE: Windows too? [Was RE: Scratch removal]

Here's 2 cents worth that may have value.  As well as being an Audi
enthusiast, I am also an avid modeler (the plastic car kind, not the
clothes kind)  Here is a tip that I picked up a while ago:

Sometimes, the clear plastic "windows" that go in these model cars get
scratched or damaged by misplaced glue.  These can be sanded out.  Yes,
sanded out with increasingly fine grits of sandpaper and polishing
compound.  Note that we are not talking your 220 grit here, we are in
the thousands as in 30,000 grit.  You take a clear plastic window with a
little scratch and you turn it into a terrible looking hazy window which
eventually is returned to crystal clarity by the time the process is
finished.  These come in kits that you can get at larger hobby shops, I
think Detail Master might be one of the manufacturers.  It might be
worth a try on glass......

Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693

'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From: 	Gfbourcier@aol.com[SMTP:Gfbourcier@aol.com]
>Sent: 	September 27, 1999 2:45 PM
>To: 	de@aztek-eng.com; quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: 	Re: Windows too? [Was RE: Scratch removal]
>That is an excellent question to which I don't have the answer.  My w/s is 
>pitted pretty badly and I think the buffer approach would work, I just don't 
>know what type of abrasive to use without swirling/fouling optical quality.  
>If you call a glass place, you'll probably get the song and dance about 
>replacement being cheaper, don't want to reveal trade secrets, etc.  After 
>reading horror stories of new rust crawling out from under windshield trim 
>because of monkey lads with sharp objects, replacement is the last step for 
>me.  I'm tempted to think that a polish suitable to restore antique mirrors 
>(metal film) or some type of precious metal polish may work.  You know, you 
>really got me thinking about this when I'm supposed to be working.  Thanks a 
>lot.  We have 3 days of rain coming here in the Mid Atlantic and I won't be 
>able to try anything until Friday.  I'll let you know if I find anything and 
>how it works later in the week.  I'll be obsessing until then.
>Gil Bourcier
>Columbia, MD USA
>87 4kcsq - 84k mi.