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Re: New info on the speeding ticket
In a message dated 10/12/99 11:49:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mike@urquattro.com writes:
> interesting info.....i just actually looked at the ticket itself a bit
> more closely and noticed some other very interesting errors. As you all
> know, the officer wrote down the speed limit as 25mph when in fact it was
> 35mph. On top of that, he wrote down the insurance company wrong, and he
> also, and this is the big one, wrote down the license plate of my car
> wrong. He wrote: MC UQR instead of MC URQ.
> Hmm...i think that last part will seal my case, what do you think? hehe
> later...
> Michael Sheridan Williams
You just got yourself out of a ticket.... the car with the license plate on
the ticket isn't your car.