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Another Audi in the fleet!

    Well, folks, I bit the bullet last night and bought that '94 S4 I've
been looking at. Many thanks to all who responded to my questions on ride
quality with sage advice and BTDT experience. The S-car FAQ was invaluable,
as was recent discussion on the S-car list regarding tranny failures and
fuel line leaks.
    The car is a '94 S4, pearl on black with 90K km on the clock. It is in
really fine condition, no fuel line leaks, nice quiet tranny (so far),
everything lights, heats, squirts, goes up and down, and blows hot and cold
as it is supposed to. And that engine - what a rush!
    To those who responded to the ride questions, the softer snow tires took
a lot of bite out of the ride, but the suspension is still plenty stiff.
Maybe Audi used up some suspension parts left over from '92 as this car was
rolling down the line :o)

    Thanks again for all the assistance and advice!

Fred Munro
'91 200q  281k km
'94 S4 90k km