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Kh boost/ list traffic.

Todd, try posting one time for all your questions, please. I'm sure many
don't appreciate the traffic generated by 5 one line questions in response
to the same post.

About the fp cutout-Those cars must have been malfuctioning... all of
them. I find it hard that you've found all these people with good info. My
car, as well as another shows 1.65 bar on an external gauge at cutoff,
going along with the factory service training manual I had.

According to parts sources, the 84 was one year only. I find it hard to
believe that the 84 kh can't fit the 85 kh. The kh head can't fit on an MC
2. For the mc 1, I can't say for sure, except parts crossovers list them
as non interchangeable.

*Steve                                             Sachelle Babbar
*'87  5000CS Turbo 5spd 1.3-2.0 bar             <SBABBAR@IRIS.NYIT.EDU>
*Cockpit adjustable wastegate, AudiSport badge
*Disclaimer:"Any information contained herein is based purely on my own
*personal experience and may not necessarily reflect yours. Use caution as
*your results may vary from mine."

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Todd Phenneger wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Sachelle Babbar wrote:
> > By the way, I have an Audi technician service book for the kh. The fuel
> > cutoff is at 1.65 bar, not 2.0 as you suggested. That's kindof pointless
> > to have one that high. Factory boost for the kh and mc 1 is 1.5 bar.
> > Modifications are the same as any other 10vt, but different result due to
> > the higher compression, lower displacement, and different ecu programming.
> > For example: a kh wgfv will not override my cockpit wastegate controller,
> > but the mc will-limiting it to 1.5 bar.
> 	Then how come people with Kh motors can just spring the WG and get
> 1.8 bar??I ran around with 12 lbs of boost for the first day or two untill
> I got my  WG - IM Hose repalced (it was plugged)  I have the FPR cutoff
> installed but it never happened.  Again, not saying your wrong, just ging
> off my experience try ing to understand it.  Many people have told me
> (well a few people) that the Mac-07 had a higher cutoff.  i thought the
> suspect was that this ECu ws designed before they decided to limit boost
> for Us market and they changed that just by doing a spring and left the
> ECu the same.  
> 	Mroe Misinformation I guess.  But if your right, then my wire
> giong from ECu to pin BS on fusebox should cut-off FPR at 1.65 bar.  it
> doesnt.  I wonder why.  Another wiring problem on my part???  Probalby
> knowing my wiring. :-)
> 	So how do you get 2.0 bar from KH???    I dont know of any chip
> tuners that can modify this ECu.  Scott Mockery told me he couldn't modify
> it.  or was he just atalking aobut the timing maps??  Not sure.  I spose I
> could just leave it the way it is. :-)
> > The mc 1 used the mac 07, as well (I have two of 'em) and had the
> > configuration of the kh, NOT the gen 2 mc from 86 and up.
> 	So whats the difference between the MC-1 and the late KH.  They
> sound Identical.  Different head (MC-head) with KH block???
> > The kh and mc 1 had the third outlet in the ic and did not have the cast
> > in runner for pre throttled air. I can't vouch for latie-late 85 mc
> > when the mc 2 crossover began. i have seen them without, though.
> 	Ahhh, thanks.  That explains the Bently secton that shows the MC
> with the same IC as the KH and same plumbing from there to the ISV.   I
> was confused on that one.
> Thnks
> 	Todd