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5KSQ Surging

I have an 88 5KSQ that periodically goes through sessions of surging; 
particualrly at low speed. My mechanic checked the car and said that the fuel 
filter was probably the couse. This was changed; at that time the mechanic 
said that it was terribly dirty and probably shouldllllllll be changed again 
in about 5k miles. Following replacement of the filter improvemenmt was seen 
for a period of time, about 5-6k miles.  When the problem began to re-occur I 
again had the fuel filter changed again. The problem has begun to occur again 
after about 6k miles. I have never been fully convinced that the problem is 
related to the fuel filter as there seems to be no deterioration in the high 
speed performance Do any of the list members have any recommendations or 
experience with this type of problem. Any assistance will be appreciated.

Gary Meier
83 CGT  88 5KSQ