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Re: A4 Warranty -- Brake pads?

At 4:00 PM -0500 12/24/99, <a4@d-9.net> wrote:
>I took my 1997 A4 to the dealership for the 45k mile service on wednesday
>morning. I get a phone call around noon telling me that the car is done,
>and that they noticed my brake pads were getting worn, and had ordered me
>new brake pads while it was still under warranty.

Sounds reasonable.

>I was not going to complain

why would you, out of curiosity?  45k miles on a set of pads?  Sounds 
fine to me.

>And when I asked about the alignment that I asked for he
>proceeded to tell me that my analysis for *why* I needed an alignment was
>not right, trying to cover up his mistake.

Well...what was the problem, and what was your reasoning?

91 200q20v a la TAP

Brett Dikeman				Network/System Admin
Artel Software				617-451-9900
381 Congress Street				617-451-9916(fax)
Boston, MA 02210				http://www.borisfx.com