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Re: Audi Flu- Addendum

At 10:18 PM -0800 12/23/99, Larry Mittell wrote:
>If it's water in the tank, I don't know how much good Techron does. 
>Doesn't mean it's bad; just that I don't know. What *will* get the 
>water out for sure is methanol. Run the tank pretty low, then toss 
>in about a half-gallon just before filling with gasoline. Water is 
>thoroughly miscible in methanol, so this is an effective way of 
>scavenging it. I wouldn't do it often, because I suspect that the 
>elastomers (rubbers) used in the fuel system may not stand up well 
>to long-term methanol exposure. Somebody please jump in here and 
>correct me if they know this to be wrong.

Check the manual.  You will find an explicit statement about how much 
alcohol(or alcohol based) fuels may be used(like gasohol and others.) 
They list a percentage figure that is a maximum.


Brett Dikeman				Network/System Admin
Artel Software				617-451-9900
381 Congress Street				617-451-9916(fax)
Boston, MA 02210				http://www.borisfx.com