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Re: Save me (from surabuS; short).

Anyone else noticed that Subaru really tries for an Australian image? 
They have absolutely nothing to do with Australia, yet all the 
commercials are shot to look like they were done in Au, all of the 
actors have Au accents, and now the model names are 

Wouldn't surprise me if half the US now thinks Subaru is an 
Australian product...and wouldn't surprise me if half of Australia is 
mildly irritated about it :-)

I guess a bunch of Subaru exec's visited Australia(I hear they're the 
#1 tourist group there?) and loved it...

Brett Dikeman				Network/System Admin
Artel Software				617-451-9900
381 Congress Street				617-451-9916(fax)
Boston, MA 02210				http://www.borisfx.com