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RE: RC Audis...

I have an RC Audi Quattro coupe that looks to be about 80's vintage.
Body is very well reproduced.  It was sold by Radio Shack.  It even has
a working ( but limited) suspension.  The drivetrain is more functional
than actual prototype and is not four wheel drive although the rear end
does have a ball type differential (I still haven't figured out how
these work...)  I picked it up at a garage sale for $12 Can. and am
reworking it.  The body is being sanded and filled and will be repainted
- I'm thinking Italian racing red.  A friend of mine who has a very
complete metal shop is helping me to build an exact reproduction of the
undercarriage and drivetrain out of metal.  I plan to have pictures and
info on a website at some time.

Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693

'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)

>From: 	rochow@pixelmagic.com[SMTP:rochow@pixelmagic.com]
>Sent: 	December 23, 1999 10:56 AM
>To: 	quattro@audifans.com
>Subject: 	RC Audis...
>Intrigued both by the RC Audi TT, as well as the oddity of Dickie toys
>being in stores in the US, and having just purchased a Tamiya Mini Cooper,
>I went looking for Audis on those websites...
>Tamiya US does not list an Audi TT (though they do have an A4 racer,
>and I saw the R8 mentioned somewhere, too).
>Dickie does not list the TT on their website.
>http://www.tamiya.de/  ,which lists Dickie as if it was a subsidiary, shows
>a TT and an A3, in a series described as 'model kits' combining  'proven 
>Tamiya RC chassis' (i.e.  "proper" RC chassis with which you'd expect a 
>Lexan body) and "Carson bodies"; the pictures do look more massive 
>than the regular non-'toy'-RC cars.
>There's an "Audi Quattro Rallye" shown in
>but I guess that's just a stationary model car.