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Re: broken pwr window

	I had a similar problem with my Coupe... Take off your door 
panel and see if the wires are connected to the motor. Also see if the 
motor/regulator are cable driven. The cables go bad.

        /\    /--------------------------------------\    /\
       /  \  /             Kyle D. Ledford            \  /  \
      / ** \/       Kappa Kappa Psi, Zeta Omicron      \/ ** \
     /                 The University of Akron                \
   / Audi Coupe GT              |r3kdl@dax.cc.uakron.edu        \
  /  Kicker, MB Quart, Autotek, |r3kdl@vm1.cc.uakron.edu         \
 /   Audio Control              |"Caution Case Sensitive System"  \ 
 \     The Surrealistic Adventure that will become Your World     /