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  The next (first)  AudiWatch (Tm) Quattro Challenge has been scheduled for
  THIS Wednesday,
  April 26th, 95 at New England Dragway in Epping NH.


  Wed nights are what they call grudge nights, where spectator street cars
  are allowed to use
  the 1/4 mi dragstrip and all the professional timing equipment, the same
  stuff the pros use, you
  even get your own hard-copy timeslips just like the pros. The cost is, I
  think, $12-15 for the
  entire night, for as may runs as you want and/or as time allows. These
  early spring nights
  are great cause its not very crowded and the cool evening air helps add
  HP, especially for
  the turbo cars. You can line up with a buddy/competitor to run against,
  or just go with
  whatever you happen to be lined up with when you get up to the starting
  line. You could be
  up against a VW bug or a 3000HP funnycar. Some of the pros use grudge
  nights for testing
  and tuning, so you often get to see a pretty good show for free. This is
  all *VERY* informal
  and strictly for fun  (or CASH :). Its all about seeing how your car can
  perform, checking
  the results of tuning & mods and challenging your friends and fellow
  Quattro owners to
  see how different cars and setups compare.

  Your car will be subjected to a brief and simple safety tech, looking for
  major leaks, missing
  lugnuts and the presence of seatbelts. I don't think you need a helmet
  unless you will be running
  under 13 seconds ET. We Audi owners likely dont need to worry too much
  about that......  :(


  Here are some hints on operation at NED. Get in the same line as the car
  want to run against. Be directly in front of or behind the target
  challenger. When you get
  through to the pre-staging area, behind the burnout troughs, pull aside
  to allow the
  target challenger to get beside you, in the opposite lane, in sync, so
  you will both get to the
  start line together. Wave any other cars by to get in sync with your
  You should not need to burn-out to heat up the tires as the Merican
  heavy-iron does,
  so bypass the burnout troughs by going around them. Follow the directions
  of the staging
  people, they are there to help you. When you are selected to approach the
  line, do so.
  Seatbelts on, windows and sunroof closed.
  There are two sets of sensors that will sense your position relative to
  the starting line,
  pre-staged and staged. Approach the starting line slowly. When you get
  close to the line the
  pre-staged light on the Christmas-tree will light. You are now
  pre-staged. The Christmas
  tree will not sequence and start the run till you fully stage. When you
  are ready to go, roll
  forward just a little bit, very slowly, till you see the staged light
  come on. You are now ready
  to go. If the pre-staged light goes out you rolled forward too far. Back
  up till both are lit.
  The starter will wait till both cars are fully staged and both pre-stage
  and stage lights are
  on. When the both cars have both pre-stage and stage lights lit then the
  tree can start anytime.
  Be ready! The lights will light from the top down. You want to launch on
  the last light before
  the green light. If you actually move off the line before the green light
  you will red light and
  automatically lose if it were a real race. The ET timer does not actually
  start till you move
  off the line. Its all really quite simple and youll get the hang of it
  all in 1-2 runs and be having
  a *BLAST* the rest of the night!

  The gate opens at 5 pm and racing starts at 6 pm. There is food available
  inside. Dont try to
  bring in any alcohol as all coolers and boots are checked when you enter
  the gate. You *will*
  be asked to pop your trunk for inspection, they are serious about safety.

  If it rains they will stop the racing, so if it looks real bad
  weather-wise, plan on aborting the trip.

  The track is in Epping NH off  Rte. 101. Take Rte 101 East from Rte 93.

  NED phone number is: 603-679-8001

  Ill be in a red 84 4000Q and/or a silver/blue 87 5000CSQTW, most likely
  in the 4000Q.
  Please look for us!

  Lemme know via email if youre coming so we can be looking for you!
  I may be a bit late this week, I may have to drop the wife off at home
  and backtrack.

  MY CHALLENGE: any non-turbo Audi      (Ill be running the 84  4000Q)
