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Re: 5kCSTQ A/C Compressor Noise

>Excuse the second post, the first seems to have never showed up.
>I just replaced the A/C compressor with a used one, the old one was
>leaking.  The replacement compressor is real noisy when engaged
>as you speed up the engine.  By 4000 RPM, it's making a loud
>whirring noise - and the noise stops immediately when I push the
>'econ' button on the dash.
>Anybody got any ideas what's going on?  Is this compressor likely
>to fail in short order anyway?  Is the problem possibly related to
>the compressor being open to the air while on the shelf of the used
>parts place?
>I'm sure I can get another 'good used' compressor where this one came
>from - but I hate to spend the money on another installation and
>system recharging.
>A new compressor lists for $440, but I'm leery of getting another used
>compressor.  I'd hate to spend another $160 for compressor installation
>and $120 for recharge including freon just to find I've got problems with
>yet another used compressor.
>I'm inclined to run it the way it is for a few months if it'll last.
>Anybody got any thoughts or suggestions?
>Charlie Smith   charlie@elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
>Columbus, Ohio USA

Charlie -

Our stories are almost identical...the original compressor in my '88 5kCST
was leaking badly, so I also replaced it with a good, used compressor.  And
mine makes the same identical noise as yours, while pressing the "ECON"
button turns the compressor and the noise off.

In fact, my car has made this noise since I bought it in April, meaning the
original compressor made the same identical noise.  In fact, when I first
got the car, I thought that was the normal noise of the Turbocharger.  And
my parents '87 5kS doesn't make the noise, so that really made me think it
was the turbo.  I have never been able to figure it out, and neither have
the mechanics I have had look at it.  Someone mentioned that it might be
the "idler pulley", because, what are the chances of me having two
compressors make the same identical noise?  Slim to none, I think...  Other
than the noise, my compressor works great, puts out really cool air, and
doesn't leak.

Yours makes the noise everytime you accelerate, right?  And it stops as
soon as you hit a certain speed and the compressor cycles on/off?  That's
what mine does, so if anyone out there has any tips for me and Charlie,
please pass them along.  TIA.


 Chris King           ===================================================
 cking@txdirect.net    '94 Corrado SLC        (Sherry Red/Beige Leather)
 San Antonio, TX       '88 5000 CS Turbo   (Metallic Black/Grey Leather)

                          "Look out Mr. Highway Patrol, here I come!"