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Re: Quattro Digest V2 #507

Where did this guy Tom from Bellingham come off sending this stuipd 
thing to the list five times????????

> >DAVE BARRY:  "Cars and Nuclear Weapons"
> >[From Dave Barry's book _Greatest Hits_]

I now agree with STEADIRIC's comment:

> This is a total waste of bandwidth, and the reason that I'm Voting No on 
> the Smartmarks thing. Remember my post last week, Be scared, Very Scared.

First:  IMHO, Tom has some apologizing to do or he's not welcome.

Second: Change my vote to no on Smartmarks.  I am REALLY a big fan of Dave Barry's, 
but we don't need this junk on the net.

Don't let the spammers gitcha down!

********** A Washington State Cougar in Aggieland (aTm) ************

Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications                   Fax:    409/862-1202
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
College Station, TX  77843-2112
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/rpe/alpage.htm

                   >>>>GO, SEATTLE MARINERS!!<<<<

            "The doctors X-rayed my head and found nothing."  
        Dizzy Dean, after a beanball in the 1934 World Series. 