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Re: Re[2]: 1990/1991 90's - which are 20v WHEELS

On Thu, 7 Mar 1996 11:46:27 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>On Thu, 7 Mar 1996, treilley wrote:
>>         Just a point of interest in case you don't know.  The six spoke Coupe 
>> wheels are actually 1 piece with plastic simulated bolts.  
>> Tim 90CQ, 77Spitfire
>Im not too sure about that... Yes they are actually one piece, but the 
>bolts are not simulated. I have a stack of wheels from the 90 20V and the 
>coupe, and they are both metal rivots.

You're right.  There were two types.  One with metal studs and one
with plastic studs.

Matt West
Oxford, England.
e-mail : audi@tdraft.demon.co.uk
1989 Audi Coupe 2.2E