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re: Audi Gods latest request

Andre writes:
>  I 
>checked the coolant level and found it low, so I just topped it off and 
>went on my way.  Several days later, same scenario  (and same fix.).  
>Several days later still, you guessed its, low coolant light again.  
>Took it to my local Audi loan shark, oops, I mean dealer, to have it 
>checked out.  Dealer sez I have a small crack in the radiator, causing 
>a very slow leak of fluid (explains why I never saw stains in my 
>parking space???).  Anyway, he sez its not repairable and will cost 
>$600 to replace.  As I have fond memories of my last repair (which 
>wasn't too long ago!), I am not in a hurry to part with 6 bills.  

Your first problem is that you went to the dealer. I used to be a dealer
devotee (with my Mr2) but after they hosed me for $250 and did NOTHING to fix
what I requested to be fixed, I decided that never again unless dire
circumstances required it. 

Find an independent shop that specializes in European autos if possible. See
what they can do about it. 

I have a pinhole leak in my radiator in my VW golf. It only leaks when hot and
dribbles so little out that I can go over 6 months without topping it up.
When I look at the radiator, I can a dark stain running down one side of it. 
I think the reason I don't see any driveway stains is because it only leaks
when the engine is running. In other words, the stains are very thin and
running down the highway. (running engine=hot coolant= high pressure -> leak).

At the very least get a second opinion, just because a dealer says it's a leaky
radiator doesn't mean that it is. You could be losing it in a cracked hose, or
worse in a head-gasket blow-by. Get a second opion. just MHO..
                               -Osman Parvez
                                89 200q
                                Siena College
                                Albany NY