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Re: stupid human tricks

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Bryan Gunn suggests:
Go to Wal-Mart or equvalent and spend $15 on a Mity-Vac. Then you can test
each vacuum line individually and can track down leaks lickety-split. Plus
it's a really usefull tool to have anyway.

Huw has too much time on his hands and starts typing without thinking....

Great theory, problem is, one would have to disconnect what, forty or fifty
vacuum lines, some *very* hard to reach, to do this.  I'd definitely break
at least four of them - and I wouldn't know if my reconnections were going
to be new problems.  I am going to use propane this W/E - I like the
pinpoint aim I can get with a tiny flow (it's windy here right now, added
safety factor)  BUT I would have to say the best idea I heard was a gas that
would stumble the engine - now what could that be? Not a noble gas - they're
inert, like the nitrogen in air is in your engine.  It would have to somehow
interfere with combustion, by displacing oxygen? or rendering gasoline non
explosive (changing octane radically?)

BTW since when are carb cleaner and WD40 less "explosive" than propane? 
I've, um failed to light a torch for a minute in a very small washroom and
still keep my eyebrows.  Most of the liquids and gases that burn are a lot
less dangerous than their reputation.  Ever try to set fire to gasoline? 
It's the long term leak in enclosed space, followed by an open flame or
better yet a good spark, that does you in.  Have you ever tried to light a
propane torch with an open flame?  It requires quite a spark!  Poor spark
won't even ignite compressed, mixed gasoline in an engine cylinder.

what am I babbling about?  who knows.  

If I live through this I will submit a full report, with all the juicy

Huw (leaving for interzone?)