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Re: Trail braking q's

In a message dated 97-01-14 07:51:36 EST, you write:

<< Well, I spent some time analyzing my G-Analyst traces last night -- boy,
 spins make for really interesting traces! -- and have come to the conclusion
 that I probably WAS trailbraking even though I was trying to avoid doing it
 ... old habits die hard!
 > My technique has always been to go 1 car length beyond where you normally
 >would turn in, turn hard (shooting before apex) and power out all the way,
 >either neutral or full, but not lift....  In the torsen that's not
 >cuz the "hunt" begins before lift throttle, and creates a suspension
 >to correct for the best of drivers.....  
 I AM working on this but doing it automatically every time is easier said
 than done ... like I said, I'm used to dragging the brakes all the way up to
 the apex and using them to help turn the car.  Man-oh-man, does this ever
 screw things up with a Quattro (or quattro, for that matter)!
NO, don't do it..... Do not trail brake a q....  That will make the dog
snap....   I tend to go balistic as instructor anytime I run into that at a q
track event, torsen or non....  You can do it, but I know it took me 4+ years
to get it down, and it still catches me off guard on occasion (esp off camber
turns)....  So, I know, when I see/feel it in a driver, that the potential to
spin is high, and I'm not a fan of that while someone else is holding the
controls.....  You are setting the suspension into a compression state, then
lifting and accelerating at the same time, just wreaking havoc on COG, esp in
awd....  You will eventually get the technique Jeff, but I personally rarely
use it, I find better to steer a q out then try to adjust turn in speed....
 It's just time in the seat....  You do your infinite turn correctly, you
start to be able to handle tracks within a lap.....  q's reward proper
technique, but to me it is a q-only technique....   And tho closer to front
driver than rear, it does snap when you get too confident with the idea......

Skippy technique certainly applies to the q....  Go as late as possible,
brake shift straight line, turn hard to set the car, then all power out....
 It's fun rewarding, and keeps the spin dog at bay....  Total lift she bites,
you want the neutral throttle understeer to power on oversteer/understeer (hi
hp = oversteerr, low hp = understeer, easy to correct the point and shoot for

Good luck, Jeff....  Keep us posted your findings.....  I always enjoyed
watching spins on my g-analyst......
