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RE: CV price

You can purchase a CV joint for approx. $134.00 USD at Import Parts 
Connection.  It is the Lobro part as they are the only ones in the world to 
supply this particular piece.  IPC can be reached at 209-225-2900.  Talk to 
Rod Ramsey.  Thy have an 800 number but I don't have it at my finger tips 
at the moment.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Grant Lenahan [SMTP:glenahan@notes.cc.bellcore.com]
Sent:	Monday, March 24, 1997 8:05 AM
To:	quattro
Subject:	CV price

A front, outer CV for  4kq should cost about $200 from a parts supplier
(not Audi dealer).  The manufactrurer is Lobro.  Install should be $100 or 
or do-it-yourself.

Only tricky part is removing the CV from the shaft and reverse.
