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Re: How many does it take?

From: Gerry Haney <ghaney@ix.netcom.com>

>GTC drove to the mechanics
>bike rode home
>keys to the house and the garage door opener were in the GTC
>pedal'd back to the mechanics
>pedel'd home
>TQC to the mechanics
>drove the GTC home

>drove the GTC there
>drove the TQC back to work
>pedal'd to the mechanics
>keys for the TQC, not for the GTC
>pedal'd home
>pedal'd back to the mechanics
>GTC drive home!


I thought I was the only one who did things like this.  Welcome to the club.

My best efforts involved me and my fiancee, a VW Passat and a VW Jetta, four 
ferry ports (Fishguard and Holyhead, 100miles apart in Wales, and Dun 
Laoghaire and Rosslare, 80 miles apart in Ireland), and two cities 
(Birmingham and Bristol in England, about 100 miles apart).  It all went 
disastrously wrong when one of us (I cannot state which one for fear of 
divorce) misread a ferry timetable and tried to get on a ferry that did not 
exist.  Being stranded in the wrong country without a car (which was at the 
other end of the ferry journey that didn't exist) and with an important 
event to attend the next morning, she (oops - gave it away) got me involved.

I spent most of that night driving and had two hours sleep before getting to 
work the next day.  We spent the next weekend retrieving the car stranded at 

retrospective cars:
1979 VW Passat - a heap of junk except when doing 100mph on motorway
1980 VW Jetta GLi - what a car - only 110hp. but went like s*** off a shovel