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Fuel Gauge problems, same as Sean's temp guage...

Hi all,

I have a fuel gauge in my '82 100, that has identical symptoms as Sean
Ford's temperature guage/multi sensor problem.  It often works, but quite
often reads a lower than true reading.  It seems to work best when I have
been going down hill, or have just done a long brake from high speed.  It
also sometimes recoveres when at idle, and you can see it drop as you

I originally assumed that this was one of the infamous grounding problems,
and didn't want to spend hours tracing it, but it makes more sense to be a
faulty sensor.  Anyone else experienced similar problems, or cures? 


Mike Walder                   | email: miwa@premier.co.uk
Software & Hardware Engineer  |        michael@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk
Undergraduate Computer Science| WWW:   http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~miwa
At The University of London   | FAX:   01344 776677