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installing CD changer, wiring paths?

I hope that the mystery behind the sig file has been cleared!
Anyways, thanks to a bunch of morons stealing my father's radio(they left
the CD changer and an a/d/s amp in the back, and "broke into" an unlocked
car next to his!) I've aquired the CD changer for my vehicle(he bought a CD
player radio.)
It's a Pioneer changer, which seems to be very popular(the same mechanism
is used for Pioneer's CDROM changer.)  It has a button-console that plugs
into a controller(the controller has power lines, a
radio-antenna-pass-through, and a control/power cable to the changer.

So, here are some questions.
-changer can rest on its side or flat, so where would be a clever place to
pop it?  Unobtrusiveness would be a plus in the trunk.  I don't think the
changer will fit underneath the front seats.
-those wires...the big problem is the changer control cable.  Any good
spots where I can pull it through and route it?

Car is an '875kCST.  No leather, if that matters.

Thanks for the help,

Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
Ita, scio hunc 'sig file' antiquum sit