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Re: Climate Control Air Filtration
At 08:51 AM 2/4/98 -0500, Dan Simoes wrote:
>Filtration means particles, not smell.
Good point. :-)
>There would be no way to remove smells unless the air was
>recirculated in a charcoal canister or something.
When 'recirculate' is on, is this what's happening? (I'll say about
recirculate only that I hate that you can only turn it on when the A/C is
on! %-)
>The Audi "filter" is probably similar to a stock air filter
>but with better flow. If the filter is too restrictive
>(or gets ddirty) a/c performance will go way down.
>The filter should be in your fresh air box, just
>above the fresh air/recirc flap.
Is the stock manual going to tell me where that is, or do I need a Bentley
to determine its location and proper removal? Anyone want to give me some
pointers? :-)
Mark H. Granoff Mark.Granoff@Software.com
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