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Inj. cooling fan switch

Last night I got something of a revelation. I'm still pricing around the
cost of a new thermo switch and then I realize that the radiator from my
old 5ks has a 2 pin thermo switch in it. I yank it knowing that it's not
the same size as the icf switch. No temps listed on the rad switch. I
check my Haynes, a little lower than the icf switch. I figured that if I
ground one terminal and run the other to the wire, I'd have a working
switch. The only problem os that It's larger than the stock switch and a
place to wedge it where it would get the same kind of heat is non
existant. Right now, it's resting, sort of wedged on top of my wastgate
sort of on the shield. It suddenly got cold here so I don't know if it'll
work or not. Pretty much the same thing as the old switch except the stock
is grounded through its body giving it one pin.

'84  5ksT 1.6-2.0 bar

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your results may vary from mine."