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Re: Squeeky A/C
-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Winslow <jmwinslow@taconic.net>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Sunday, June 21, 1998 8:21 AM
Subject: Squeeky A/C
>I have a 1992 100CS Quattro, 72k miles, and the A/C starts squeeking
>when the fan starts blowing cold air for a few minutes.
>I opened up the rubber boot and temperature sensor, sprayed WD40 and
>then tried graphite and it still squeeks. I can't figure out how to get
>to the fan to try anything else.
>Is this squeeking common?
>Does anyone know if this typically is the motor bearing or the plastic
>fan rubbing?
Hi John;
I assume from your post that it is the fan that is squeaking. I had a
similar problem on my '86 5ktq at about 160k km. In my case it was the front
fan motor bearing. It squeaked with either A/C or heat when I cornered or
hit large bumps.
I solved the problem by drilling a 1/2" access hole in the plastic
heater box above the front bearing and placing a wire through the hole and
behind the fan wheel until it touched the motor shaft just in front of the
bearing. I ran drops of WD-40 down the wire onto the shaft. This silenced
the squeak. It also sounds easier than it was!
Fred Munro
'91 200q 254k km