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Re: Bill Elliott`s msg, Vacuum advance units work off a ported vacuum
source to advance when throttle opens, vacuum retard units work off a
ported source that has vacuum when the throttle is closed.
Vacuum retard is used to clean up HC emissions at idle, and gives a nice
timing advance right off idle.
Many cars , esp 70s and 80s models, use both, some only retard, some
only advance, some only mechanical, and some none. Motronic cars use the
ECU to control the spark.
Maybe we have a semantics problem here,I don`t know,  but it should be
clear now.
Re: John Lajza`s message, John, never use RTV silicone in a vehicle with
an O2 sensor,as it`s a potential cause of sensor death, and you know how
that hurts. I just wouldn`t do it. Been to too many Bosch classes and
seminars where they told us not to. Good luck, John