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Re: EM Welding

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Brett Dikeman wrote:

> >special filler rod for cast iron.  I used my TIG welder set to a fairly
> With high-nickel content, right?

I assume so, but I don't know for sure.

> You forgot one very BIG, IMPORTANT step when welding on the car(or was this
> not on the car?  I guess I missed out on whether it's on the car or off.)

haha, no way you can do this on the car.  It was on my workbench.

> Unplugging the ECU(esp when welding near an ECU input, ie, OXS) would
> probably be a good idea, as would the airbag harness; read the Bently on
> doing this.  There is a WRONG way to do this(<BOOM>) or a right way(No
> <BOOM>.)

I've done lots of TIG welding on my car without unplugging any ECU.  No 
problem.   Mind you, my TIG is the latest from Lincoln, and has a very 
smooth spark with few high voltage pulses.

I just got back from the metal shop here at Cadillac, where we planed the 
mounting face on a huge disc sander.   Looks great.  Its flat, and smooth.
Graydon D. Stuckey

"There's alot more to Jazz than just wrong notes"