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Re: HVAC intake

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Todd Young wrote:

> HVAC = Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
> Made a small modification to my 93 90S.
> We have a LOT of cottonwood trees in this area
> and the white fluffy crap flies around all summer.
> I wanted to prevent plugging up my core when I
> have the power vents on (on A/C I usually recirc
> the air).

Very good idea.

> I then pulled that grill off the intake and took it
> inside. I pulled out the hot glue gun and proceeded
> to glue some fiberglass screen on top of the plastic

Just make sure that if the glue lets go (the inside of the IP can see 200 
degF or more on a hot summer day) the screen will not enter the fan.

> grill. It hasn't affected air flow that I can notice and 

I haven't tested the 90, but I would guess that it flows about 250 cfm in 
A/C, Recirc, full cold, and your screen probably cut that down 5 - 10 cfm.

Graydon D. Stuckey

"There's alot more to Jazz than just wrong notes"