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Re: Incomplete Re-fueling

Why anyone would go through the effort of switching to a smaller fuel
tank is beyond me, but not beyond the realm of possiblity.  I doubt
that's the case; are their any VW's of the approximate year that had 14
gallon tanks that would fit in a Audi?  I still think the vent line on
the fuel tank is plugged up, or something.  Anyone out there know how to
check to see if the fuel tank vent line is plugged up?  


On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:36:26 EDT SSpangenbe@aol.com writes:
>I'm afraid I don't know enough about the coupes or the Bentley's.  I 
>bought a manual for my 200 yet.  I'm using the Alldata CD.
>2 gallons sure seems like a lot of fuel to be hiding somewhere.  Is it
>possible that someone changed the fuel tank on your car before you got 

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