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Re: RF CV Boot job questions (5ktq)

3 Years ago, I replaced both outer cv joints on the 4000S . Here is what I
>1. Must the entire axle be removed or is it possible to "weasle off" the
>joint with the inner joint attached to the trans?

I removed them both with the driveshaft attached at the other end. The
cvjoint was held in place by a retainer clip which would "sink" into a
groove and release the joint when I hammered it from inside out. Used a
piece of wood to protect the joint when hammering.  Wasn't bad. I used a
heavy pipe wrench to lock the driveshaft in place. I remember reading about
two different retainer clip designs being out there, mine being the harder

>5. The boot split now several hundred miles back with many mountain road
>miles. The joint is not making any noises (yet) so I assume cleaning,
>and boot will suffice?

I would take the joint apart and inspect for scarring on the inner shell.
Make sure you note the location of each ball to assemble the same way.

Oh yeah, the end cutters work great for clamping.
