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Re: advice for american travellers going to britain (humour)
Both or at least humorous. Ah, two people separated by a common
language.... <g>
> >> The Brits have peculiar words for many things. Money is referred to as
> >> "goolies" in slang, so you should for instance say "I'd love to come to
male-only bits
> >> the pub but I haven't got any goolies." "Quid" is the modern word for
> >> what was once called a "shilling" -- the equivalent of seventeen cents
> >> American.
Again, inflation joke.
> Underpants are called "wellies"
Galoshes, rubbers (no not those)
>and friends are called "tossers."
same as wankers (one of my faves here in the US). Think of our President
above a sink after Monica is leaving un(ful)filled and you'll get the idea.
Comes with a descriptive hand signal too <g>
>>>If you are fond of someone, you should tell him he is a "great tosser"
-- he will be touched.
Actually, tosser is a term good friends use with each other. Sort of like
us Americans telling somebody "You one bad Mother Flocker." They also call
each other wankers, plonkers (plonker = penis and when someone is making
fun of you they're pulling your plonker pr taking the piss)
> >>The English are a notoriously demonstrative, tactile people, and if
you want to fit in you should hold
> >> hands with your acquaintances and tossers when you walk down the street.
> >> Public nuzzling and licking are also encouraged, but only between people
> >> of the same sex.
Surprised you didn't throw anything in here about a fag (cigarette) or
being fagged out (tired, exhausted). Or to keep it with a car theme, throw
in an ambiguity about fenders being bumpers and that in England we call
them Bumper Benders too. <g> (Bender = Fag (American))
> >> Ever since their Tory government wholeheartedly embraced full union with
> >> Europe, the Brits have been attempting to adopt certain continental
> >> customs, such as the large midday meal followed by a two- or three-hour
> >> siesta , which they call a "wank." As this is still a fairly new
> >> practice in Britain, it is not uncommon for people to oversleep (alarm
> >> clocks, alas, do not work there due to the magnetic pull from
> >> Greenwich). If you are late for supper, simply apologize and explain
> >> that you were having a wank -- everyone will understand and forgive you.
See above.
> >> British cuisine enjoys a well deserved reputation as the most sublime
> >> gastronomic pleasure available to man. Thanks to today's robust dollar,
> >> the American traveller can easily afford to dine out several times a
> >> week (rest assured that a British meal is worth interrupting your
> >> afternoon wank for).
Oh huh... <g>
> >> Few foreigners are aware that there are several
> >> grades of meat in the UK. The best cuts of meat, like the best bottles
> >> of gin, bear Her Majesty's seal, called the British Stamp of Excellence
> >> (BSE).
Bovine Spongioform Encepelophy - Mad Cow Disease. Brits, of course, spell
it more like Enceapholophy - just like they misspell Aluminum.
> >> restaurant's list of exquisite British wines.
Riiiight. Reminds me of the joke about the pairings of countries and jobs
for the new EU: Brit, French, Italian and German; Engineer, Lover, Cook and
<what?>. Everyone wants a French cook, Italian lover, German Engineer and
British <what?>. But what the EU will end up will be a Italian engineer, a
German lover, a French <what?> and a British cook.
Brits do make Cadbury (even if it isn't Belgian chocolate, it's good),
Digestive Biscuits <chew on that one for a while<g>> and Bacons that
actually contain meat, good Beers (bitter); Shandys (Lemonade (lemon
flavored soda, e.g. Sprite) and Lager - ahh.......; and who the hell came
up with salad cream anyways???? It doesn't make up for clotted pudding
(some really weird thing with just-born calves placenta which is different
than clotted cream - looks like yellow cottage-cheese-y cream - yum yum
yum) or the colloquilly names sheppard's pie (where if you as what's in it,
you won't eat it) or black pudding or a Chip Butty (think french fry
sandwich with vinegar and ketchup AND butter - yum?) or Faggots (meatballs
with a skin (intestine)) or Haggis (offal and granis, stuffed into a
sheep's gut- super yummy yum yum yum); Spotted Dick (Fruity Fatty Pudding)
but all desserts are puddings in England.... Just don't ask for an English
Muffin.... <g> Or a pickle...
Enough, I'm gogin to lunch.
> >> Bollocks to your mum! ("farewell and good health to your family")
Aye, me mum, she's the dog's bollocks. But when she's bollocked...
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