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Re: First Snow in Q

Just a friendly reminder folks, based on several years'
experience (and mistakes - I've BTDT on almost all these):

- Remember that while quattro is awesome, it is not a panacea.

- You will still blow through a stop sign, even with ABS, if
  you are going too fast.  Also, the guy behind you may not
  have ABS, even if you did stop on a dime - he might not...

- You still need good tires (snows rec'd) - remember that 4x0=0

- You can still lose control of the car, for example, crossing over 
  from the plowed lane into that 3" of snow in the left lane.

- Cars that can lock the center diff should do so on slippery
  roads.  Locking the rear diff is only to get you out
  of trouble, and should only be used when driving in a straight
  line.  Avoid tight turns with either diff locked.

- Excessive speed on slippery roads (say 90mph in a 55, all other cars
  doing 40) will bite you in the ass, sooner or later.

- quattros can still understeer, say, coming up to a 90 degree 
  left turn onramp, where you go left but the car keeps plowing
  straight ahead.  Practice turns in a parking lot and
  learn how to correct steering with the throttle.

- above all, have fun, but do so responsibly, and always keep 
  an eye out for what others are doing.  Anticipation of the
  other guy's mistakes is very helpful (gee, I bet this dimwit
  will cut me off...yup, I was right).

That said, yeah, I confess, I was out in the driveway last 
night reassembling the front end of the CGT and mounting the
studded Hakka 1s.  (the CQ is sporting summer rubber for
one more week so I can take Derek Daily out for some fun 
on the twisties). :)

| Dan |
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
Worldcom Advanced Networks 	http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road                 (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)