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UrQ Front Drive Axle Problem

It's been VERY cold here in WI.... temps ranging between -22 and about
10 above... and lots of snow.  So, I've done quite a bit of driving with
the center diff locked.

Yesterday, drove home from work with the diff open until I exited the
Interstate, then locked it for the snow-covered roads around home.  No
unusual behavior.

This morning (about -5) I left home and the car felt like it was RWD
only!  (Quite a strange sensation... almost like a BMW)  I unlocked the
diff and found no drive.  Relocked the diff and drove slowly to take my
daughter to her basketball game.  At the game, I unlocked the diff and
again had no drive.  I set the hand brake, open the hood, put it in 1st,
and got out of the car.  VERY weird feeling!

The passenger side drive axle was spinning, no motion from the car.
Pulled the center cap of the wheel- stub axle and nut were not turning.
(No real surprise there.)

After the game,  I again locked the diff and drove slowly home (about 8
miles).  About a mile from the house, I began to feel front drive again.
Once home, I unlocked the diff and now had normal drive.  I went back
out on the snow covered road and tested with the diff locked and open...
normal operation with AWD.

I could understand losing the drive via a damaged CV joint... but how
did I get it back?

I'm looking for any insight here... and since I assume I'm going to be
replacing a drive axle, the suggested source for the part. The car's
parked until I'm sure it's safe to drive.

Thanks for the help!  (I was going to try my hand at ice racing in the
morning... now if I decide to still go, it will have to be in the wife's
SAAB. Maybe I'll just watch!)

Bill Elliott
Lake Mills, WI
'85 UrQ with intermittent AWD