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Re: Fouling Plugs

<< This sounds like a tough one. All that new stuff....I think it is a
 restriction in the air intake system, maybe even ahead of the airbox and
 air filter. You didn't mention checking all the way from the front.

The car is an 88 80q, sorry I didn't mention it.

I have a new air filter (2000 miles) and I checked the air intake. The air
intake on this car, as far as I can see, only goes to a "funnel" behind the
right side headlight. I will check it again over the weekend.

The fabric and wire hose is old and brittle but there are no visible holes. I
need to replace it, but I will do this in the spring when I change over to a
box K&N filter. I am also planning on making a smoother air passage out of pvc
or some type of plastic.