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RE: Audi

She's probably SOL.  The fact that the service person told her that "this is
a common problem" sounds like grounds for a complaint if nothing else.  If
it's a "common" problem, they SHOULD have addressed it.  But conversely, the
service person could have just been blowing smoke to make your friend feel

In any event, I've heard of people cracking/damaging their oil pans, trannys
and differentials on speed bumps, curbs, driveway entrances, rocks and the
like, and I'm afraid these fall under the "damn it, I wish I hadn't done
that" category.  I've never heard of them being covered under warrantee.
Low, sleek ground effects and bumpers are popular and stylish too, for
example, but you'd have a difficult time trying to argue that it's a design
flaw because it won't clear a dog or cat in the roadway.  Your friend's not
a bad driver, I suspect she's just unlucky, and driving a car that's low to
the ground and bottoms out easily, as does mine.

Dan Sinclair
1988 Audi 90, 68K mi.
Photo and details online at:

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
[mailto:owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net]On Behalf Of Kerry Griffith
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 8:52 AM
To: q
Subject: FWD: Audi

One of my colleagues just sent this to me. Is she S.O.L. due to pilot error?
Would AoA step up to the plate if she complained enough? TIA.
91 200q

From: Cindy I am now the unhappy owner of a new Audi. Yesterday I was
informed that  I had hit something to fracture the oil pan... I am so sad
and now short several hundred dollars for it is not covered by warranty..
The manager said this was not uncommon... I see this as a design flaw and/or
I am not a very good driver. I suspect I went over an ice bank to do this;
however, does this not seem to be a design flaw to you?? Thanks for  just
listening. Cindy