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RE: I need some help from you all
> > >
> > >Sorry I don't have any help about you syncro (never have done any
> > >transmission work.) But, I have noticed that these email lists are
> > >long on talk and short on actual real-world technical maintenance help.
> > >You
> > >could spend months on the list talking about what chip to use in a
> > >but
> > >when it comes to your car breaking down and needing fixed, you are in
> > >minority. I think most of these people take it their local "expert"
to do
> > >the real work.
> > >
> > >My 2 cents worth. - name deleted
> > >
> > > >>I did not get 1 reply about changing the 3rd gear syncro on
> > > >>my 88 80q and 88
> > > >>90 NONq I NEED someone to help walk me through it!> PLEASE!!!!!
> > > >>TIA!!
... I sure thought I saw several posts stating that transmission work is not
something that is normally done ... another case of ears not hearing what
they want to hear I suppose ...
I would concur with the opinion that there aren't likely to be too many
folks with real world experience inside the case of a transmission ... a lot
of special tools are needed , even more so on a transaxle (where you have a
transmission and ring and pinion to rebuild and align). Tranny rebuilds
(bearings and synchros) tend to be quite expensive. I have had synchros go
bad on my cars ... but my solution was to procure a replacement transmission
rather than have mine rebuilt. Of course it would be preferable to have a
tranny rebuilt as then you'd know you've got new bearings and synchros and
any other internal problems would be solved ... but I figure that I can
probably buy a handful of low mileage, used trannies for the price of
rebuilding one.
The primary reason I decided to respond to this post however was that last
comment. I wouldn't mind at all if the folks who believe that the people on
the list are just here to chew the rag and not really do anything would
unsub ... it sounds as though the list isn't doing anything for them anyway!
Does anyone get paid anything for any advice they provide in any response
they might give? I truly and deeply appreciate the time anyone willingly
spends (and have spent) to help me solve the problems I have, and I
certainly hope that the people that I attempt to help from my experience
appreciate my effort as well. Time is money after all, and the reason I'm
here is that there are at least a few folks here who are willing to work
together to give and take and have us all save some gelt. Another thing to
consider is that even for us amateurs there is some cost associated with
gaining knowledge ... doesn't it sound a little bit arrogant to expect
people to up and divulge information that has been gained through a lot of
research and experimentation?
... so ... Obin ... why don't you go out and get the transmission service
documentation for your car (perhaps Bentley), read it over carefully and
procure the requisite tools to do the synchros on your tranny, and when
you're done tell us about your experience? Honestly, I would appreciate it
if you did that. If you do decide to tear down your tranny though, I
suggest that you seriously consider replacing all the synchros and perhaps
the bearings as well ... once you've been through the experience of tearing
down and reassembling a transaxle it would be a shame to have to go back and
do it again a short time later ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)