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Euro-lights in... now trim?
OK, just finneshed up installing the euros today. Took it out for a drive
this evening to return a movie. WOW! They are bright. Very sharp cut-off
though on low beams, so maybee they will need to be adjusted a little. High
beams are amazing.
Anyways, now I am trying to put the chrome upper and lower grille trim
pieces back on and I'm having a bit of trouble. THe new lights come with
new "butterfly" clips and the grille had some, but most broke off with
removal. I have about two for each. I can get the old ones on the trim and
held in place fine, but I can seem to pop the new trim over the new
clips!!!! Any secret. I think I may have to sand down the edges a bit to
over the euro side-marker trim as the grille trim seems to be a bit to big
to fit. Any advice??? Is it just supposed to "pop" onto these clips or is
there some special way?
One more thing.... I only have the grille attached by one screw at the top
center and two clips on either side. Is there supposed to be something on
the bottom holding it in place too??? I took the front of this car apart so
long ago, I can't remember.
I know a lot of you have upgraded to euros as well, so I thought I'd ask.
BTW, Amazingly my wiring isn't so bad as they work! I'll be scraping the
cheap spade connectors with solder types soon though.
BTW, Scott Mockry and Chris Miller's web sites were a huge help and
explained the procedure clearly, step-by-step. Thanks Scott and Chris!