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RE: Another speeding ticket question
We have the lines here in B.C. but I have never heard of anyone getting
caught this way. Seems to me that most of the tickets these days are
from cruisers who get you with radar when they are approaching you, and
from photoradar which (for those who may not know) is a self contained
system that calculates your speed and takes your picture if you are
speeding. Then you can expect a nice little ticket in the mail a few
weeks later. Very controversial system as the photo does not identify
the driver, just the owner and it is the owner who gets the ticket. In
fact, the law in BC did not allow photo radar, but in typical fashion
the government simply changed the law to allow it.
Stephane Livolsi
180 Yorston St
Williams Lake, BC, V2G 3Z1
ph 250-392-2637
fax 250-392-2693
'86 5KTQ stock (if you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)
>From: Sherry & Chuck Clark[SMTP:clark@rmi.net]
>Sent: October 10, 1999 8:04 PM
>To: Bob Rossato; Daniel Hussey; pajono@ctconnect.com; PlyBoyDoct@aol.com;
>quattro@audifans.com; Jon Linkov
>Subject: RE: Another speeding ticket question
>From: "Jon Linkov" <njconn@email.msn.com>
>To: "Bob Rossato" <bob.rossato@att.net>,
> "Daniel Hussey" <dan_hussey@email.msn.com>,
> <PlyBoyDoct@aol.com>, <quattro@audifans.com>
>Subject: RE: Another speeding ticket question
>Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 09:42:57 -0400
>Jon wrote:
>I think that is VASCAR, which computes the speed of the cops car compared to
>the time it takes to close on the "offending" vehicle. I was clocked in MD
>by one, no radar involved because my detector did not go off. This is what
>the cop said. He never showed at the ticket hearing, so who knows if it was
>BS or not. Ticket thrown out, I didn't care!
> VASCAR- I can't remember what each letter stands for(and you'd
>think I would remember after being caught twice by it) but in CO
>we have many little white lines that run across the highway in pairs
>and are approximately 1/8th mile apart. This procedure takes more
>than one officer(usually) to carry out. Here's how it was explained to
>me: Jonny law #1 is at a vantage point where he can see both white
>lines in perfect view. As you cross the first line, he enters it in his
>computer in the cruiser. As You pass over line number two, he hits
>another button as a finishing time. This computes exactly how fast
>you were travelling. In my case it was 83.7! Not 83, not 84 but 83.7
>mph. No radar or laser to ever warn you of such a procedure because
>none is used. Jonny #2 who is waiting just up the road and past white
>line #2 is being told by radio from Jonny #1 to pull car over. This is
>exactly how it was explained to me by the arresting officer and by the
>D.A. in court. These white lines can also be used by airplanes I'm
>assuming. I did see the white lines in NV and UT while going to
>Monterey. Do the rest of the states have them?
>Chad Clark '87 5k Tq
>Colorado Springs, CO