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Re: Meltdown at Carlsson

Autobahn01@aol.com wrote:

>    I'm inclined to believe it's more than just 80's cars being an outgoing
>stock. AofA through Audi AG, one would think, is having ongoing supply
>problems of staggering proportions. Linda's getting the same info my dealers
>are out here in NH. Try to get an A6 front bumper, nope, windshield, nope.
>Even any A4 (v6) core support, nope, all on back order. And this is going
>into prime crash-part season, not the time to be short on plastic core
>supports and bumpers. I hear the same thing is coming on A4 hoods also(just
>bought nine). Maybe Neil or Ben could provide a dealership view, but all I've
>heard is dealers blaming parts distribution, and parts dist blaming
>purchasing/supply in europe. Oh sure, it's all good for the used parts
>guys(wink), but not confidence inspiring for bodyshops or potential rebuilder

There's a belated rush to fix the y2k bug in the ordering system at Audi
AG's central parts place. The dealership where a friend of mine works has
had a car up on the lift without a steering rack (and the owner in a rental
car) for over a month. Problems are mounting here- basically, if the
importer doesn't have it in stock, you're screwed.
