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Re: Speeding ticket! :-((

Eyvind.........I went through a similar learning experience (actually a
series of 3 such tickets over about a year) and as a result I invented a
cloaking device that made my Audi invisible to police officers. I am about
to reveal the details of the device and how to use it.

Counter intelligence reports told me that the officers were using
electronic sensors to clock my speed as I passed their observation posts. I
also observed that they placed large signs along my path that revealed the
lower limits of their sensors.

I began setting my stock Audi cruise control at those posted 'invisibility
limits' and since starting this practice, none of the officers have ever
given any indication that they are aware of my presence. I have concluded
that my actions have made my vehicle invisible to their sensors.

Now that you know my secret, I hope that you will share it with others that
have fallen into the chaos of Audi ownership.

Doyt Echelberger
87 5kcstq
At 11:40 AM 12/21/1999 +0100, you wrote:
>Today I got a speeding ticket.. :-(
>111 km/h where the limit is 80 km/h (70 mph with 50 mph limit)
>That will cost me NOK 3500,- (about US$440)