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Audi ur-quattro Voice Synthesizer Issues - 1985 Model Year

All 1985 ur-quattros imported by VAG UK are equipped with an autocheck unit with electronic voice synthesiser. This unit was developed so that some twenty sensors could be monitored without cluttering the dashboard with a plethora of warning lights. It also allowed warnings to be prioritized - brake system defects are more important than washer bottle fluid levels.

On many cars this unit has been disabled, either by ignorant radio installers or deliberately to mask faults so that a car can be sold to an unsuspecting buyer.

The voice synthesiser is a critical safety feature and should always be maintained in working order.

For those with imported cars, the German version is here.

Warning Messages
Priority 1: Warning
Attention! Brake system defectivePressure reservoir switch
Brake servo switch
See note 1
Attention! Check brake fluidBrake fluid level switchF34
Attention! Release handbrakeHandbrake switchF9
Attention! Coolant overheating120°C thermoswitchF14
Attention! Check coolantCoolant level switchF66
Attention! Check oil level0.25 bar oil pressure switch
Priority 2: Caution
Please fasten seatbeltSeat belt switchE24
Please switch lights offDoor switch
Right sidelight
Please check batteryIgnition coilN
Please check brake padsBreakable element, left pads
Breakable element, right pads
Please check washer levelWasher bottle level switchF77
Please refuelFuel tank senderG
Please check brake lightsRear lamp controllerJ124
Please check lightsFront lamp controllerJ123
Brake lights defectiveRear lamp controllerJ124

On 1985/6/7 cars (autocheck unit 857 907 399E) only one loudspeaker (usually the front left) is taken through the autocheck unit. Pin 16 is connected to the radio NF terminal (ISO connector A pin 2) and grounded to mute the radio/tape/CD and silence the other loudspeakers while the audible warning is issued on the one connected to the autocheck unit.

Voice synthesizer pin assignments from Diagram 19 - 1985 Model Year:

Viewing the connector with the prongs on the right and the side locating lugs at the top, the upper left pin is Pin 1, with numbering proceeding along the connector to Pin 18 at the top right. The bottom row is also numbered from left to right, from 19 to 35. If in doubt, check the wire colours.

1Blue/yellowF14Coolant overheat
2Gray/brownF34Brake fluid level, Diode pack
3Blue/blackF22Oil pressure switch 0.25 bar
4White/redF66Coolant level switch
5Brown/greenE24Seat belt switch
6White/greenN12, N13Pad wear warning
7Black/blueE92Computer reset button
8Purple/blackGFuel level
11Green/blackM1Left sidelight
12Brown/whiteF2Door switches
14Brown/redR2To loudspeaker sense +
15Brown/blueR2To loudspeaker sense -
16Brown/redRRadio control (NF)
17White/greenR-From radio loudspeaker output, sense -
18Brown(8)Dashboard chassis ground
19Blue/brownF21, F79Hydraulic pressure
20White/greenF1Oil pressure switch 1.8 bar
21Green/yellowF9, J67Handbrake, Diode pack
22White/blueF77Washer level switch
23RedJ124Rear bulb controller
24GrayJ123, J124Bulb controllers
25Red/blackDIgnition switch
26Red/greenE93Autocheck test button
27Brown(8)Dashboard chassis ground
28Red/black/yellowNIgnition coil
29Blue/greenT35/4Dashboard warning light
30RedU1Cigarette lighter (power)
31Green/redM3Right sidelight
32Red/yellowG22Speed sensor
34White/purpleR+From radio loudspeaker output; sense +


  1. The loom includes two three-pin connectors - T3a and T3b. T3a has a single dark blue/green wire looped into all three pins. These connectors should only be pushed together in vehicles that do not have the voice synthesiser. Their purpose is to connect F9 (hand brake warning), F21 (hydraulic pressure warning), F34 (brake fluid level) and F79 (hydraulic pressure warning) to the (single) dashboard light. When they are connected, T3a effectively shorts the voice synthesizer inputs, destroys its discrimination between the signals, and can cause spurious and persistent audible warnings such as "Attention - Brake system defective!" to be issued. If found connected, these connectors should be separated and taped over to prevent inadvertent reassembly.
    There is a simple check to see if T3a/T3b have been improperly connected:
  2. If there is continuity, the centre console must be removed and the black/mauve three-pin connectors separated.
  3. The diode pack J67 is shown on the diagram, but is much better explained by Diagram 20. Its function is to combine the handbrake warning and brake fluid level warning into one warning light while retaining separate input for the voice synthesiser. It is physically located on the loom itself, taped to the harness just below the fusebox.
  4. The factory diagram has the radio and cigarette lighter connections interchanged. Audi has issued a correction (Berichtigung 000.5755.53.00) which is incorporated above and was added to the wiring diagram page before it was scanned in.
  5. The factory diagram omits the feed to Pin 30 - power.
  6. Diagram 36 was consulted for the radio connections.
Priority 1: Warning
Achtung! Bremssystem defektSchalter Hydraulikanlage
Schalter Bremskraftverstärker
Achtung! Bremsflüssigkeit prüfenGeber für BremsflüssigkeitsstandF34
Achtung! Handbremse lösenSchalter für HandbremseF9
Achtung! Kühlwasser zu heißThermoschalter (120°C)F14
Achtung! Kühlsystem prüfenGeber für KühlmittelstandF66
Achtung! Ölstand prüfenÖldruckschalter 0,3 barJ150
Priority 2: Caution
Bitte Sicherheitsgurt anlegenSchalter für SicherheitsgurtE24
Bitte Licht ausschaltenTürkontaktschalter
Standlicht rechts
Bitte Batteriespannung prüfenZündspuleN
Bitte Bremsbeläge prüfenBremsbelag Drahtschleife links
Bremsbelag Drahtschleife rechts
Bitte Waschwasser nachfüllenGeber für WaschwasserstandF77
Bitte tankenKraftstoffvorratsgeberG
Bitte Bremslicht prüfenLampenkontrollgerät hintenJ124
Bitte Fahrlicht prüfenLampenkontrollgerät vorneJ123
Bremslicht defektLampenkontrollgerät hintenJ124

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