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Re: Axel Shaft Pulling Exercises...
> Another fellow member also used a 6 inch puller with success, this is good to
> know! Now, I heard a na$ty rumour that the wheel bearings may need replacing
> if one pulls the driveshaft out of it. Will I need to do this? The wheel
> bearings are only a year old, and at a hundred bucks a shot--
... sorry Mike, I thought you said you were pulling the hubs! If all you're
doing is the half-shafts, as long as you don't move the car while it is with-
out axles you will be OK. I was going to do the boots myself, but I talked
to a guy at a local Audi shop who said that the 5k half shafts are a little
more difficult to work out of the engine compartment than the Fox or 4kQ
were. You may have to disassemble the lower part of the suspension to get
enough clearance to get the shaft out. When I heard that I decided to pay
someone else to do the work. On the Fox & 4k you could get enough clearance
to get the inner CV off the mounting flange by turning the steering wheel to
one lock or the other ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)