Audi V8 Motronic
ECU Fault Code Retrieval,
ECU Output Tests

Automatic Transmission Fault Code Retrieval,
Output Tests

Instrument Cluster Fault Code and Output Tests

1990-91 Audi V8 with 3.6 litre PT Engine
1992-94 Audi V8 with 4.2 litre ABH Engine

Introduction: Engine Control Unit (ECU) Fault Code System

The 1990-94 Audi V8 engines have Motronic Engine Control Units (ECU) equipped with a "self-diagnostic system" [7].

The Engine Control Unit can record 29-31 faults and perform 10 output checks. (12 on the ABH engine) Anytime an engine problem is occurring, this Fault Code system should be used to first locate any system fault codes that have been recorded.

PLEASE NOTE: Mechanical Engine problems can also create fault codes and poor running conditions, so make sure the engines valve system and timing belt drive are correct, as well as checking the engine leak down for problems in the piston rings, or valves.

The V8 fuel pressure regulator may have a ruptured diaphragm which can cause rich running when the fuel is sucked into the engine vacuum port. In extreme cases the engine can hydro lock due to the excessive fuel being ingested into the cylinders and can cause major engine damage to the rods, and/or stripped flywheel teeth when trying to start a flooded engine.

Poor engine or chassis grounds can also cause a host of fault codes to be generated, always check the integrity of the ECU grounds on the engine, as well as the main engine ground from the chassis to the block. If the vehicle starts:You should drive the car for a minimum of 5-10 minutes and raise the engine speed above 3000 RPM. You want the engine coolant temp to get above 80C, (176F). Verify fuses 4, 5, 13, 23, 24, and 27 are OK If the vehicle does not start:

Crank the engine with the starter for at least 15 seconds and then leave the ignition on after cranking and check for any stored faults. After doing the road test or the "No Start" cranking test, proceed to the section below for reading any fault codes stored during this process.

V8 Repair Manuals The Repair Manual (Hardcopy) for the 1990 V8 is no longer available, BUT the archived Micro-Fiche Version of the Repair Manual for the 1990-92 Audi V8 [7] is available on CD ROM from Robert Bentley.

Fault Code Reading

1990-91 Audi V8 with 3.6 litre PT Engine and for 1992-94 Audi V8 with 4.2 litre ABH Engine

The Motronic ECU has a non volatile memory for the fault codes that can be read later even if the car has been turned off after the road test.

There should be four (4) connectors grouped together underneath the passenger side carpet area (USA Left Hand drive), From left to right, they should be arranged as follows:

First one on the left is black, then another black, then one brown and finally one yellow connector.

These connectors are used to access the diagnostic capabilities inside the ECU (Engine Control Unit), the automatic transmission, and from the Instrument Cluster.

Engine or Transmission Fault Code Diagnosis:

This is done with the engine running or the ignition key on using the factory VAG1551, or VAG1552 scan tool connected to the first two black connectors.

If you have the Ross-Tech VAG-COM PC Interface and Software you need to get the VAS5051/2 adapter that you will use to also connect to the first two black connectors.

The VAG1551, VAG1552 or VAS5051/2 black diagnostic connector plugs into the LEFT black connector as shown above.

The White diagnostic connector on the VAG1551, VAG1552 or VAS5051/2 plugs into the second black connector, or phrased another way, the black connector located on the right side.



You can also blink out the fault codes by using a jumper wire connected across the fault code connectors along with an LED Test light (US 1115 equivalent) as shown here.

Diagrams courtesy of Audi of America

The "Check" engine light in the instrument panel (dashboard) will blink out the fault codes on the California vehicles, or by using the LED test light (US 1115 or equivalent) as shown in the above diagram.

See section below if you don't get the LED or "Check Engine" light to blink out the codes. If the "Check" engine light does not come on with the ignition key turned to the on position, then you may not have a bulb installed in the instrument panel.

If this is the case, you "may" be able to install a 1.2 Watt instrument panel light bulb with twist lock socket or as already mentioned, use an LED connected across the fault code connectors to blink out the fault codes.

As mentioned, with the ignition key on or with the engine idling, you activate the fault code system by connecting the jumper wire across the two terminals for four seconds and then remove the jumper, the ECU will then begin the sequence to blink out the fault codes. In some cases if the ignition is on, but the engine is not running you may get a 2111 or 2112 (RPM and TDC sensors) fault code or 2234 (supply Voltage) fault code.

NOTE: The fault code reading procedure will be canceled if the ignition is turned off.

Problems? No Fault code Light blinking?

Engine Control Unit (ECU) or Transmission Control Unit (TCU) does not blink out the fault Codes

Some vehicles may have fuel pump relays which have the 2 terminal connections at the top of the relay. These contacts were used on older Audis to initiate the fault code sequence by inserting a fuse into the top of the fuel pump relay for four seconds.

There SHOULD NOT be a fuse permanently installed in top of these fuel pump relays, as it may prevent the normal retrieval of the fault codes. You may need to check the fuse or do some wiring trouble-shooting if the ECU or TCU does not blink out the codes.

Fuse #4 supplies +12VDC power to the top terminal in the 1st BLACK diagnostic connector on the left. The lower terminal in this 1st BLACK diagnostic connector should be ground. Use a test light to verify the first diagnostic connector supplies +12V and Ground.

The 2nd BLACK diagnostic connector top terminal connects to the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) pin number 51 and Engine Control Unit (ECU) pin 55. The 2nd BLACK diagnostic connector lower terminal is connected to the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) pin number 15 and ECU pin 13.

If you are having trouble reading fault codes or communicating with the ECU or TCU, you may want to use an Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) resistance measurement to verify a good connection between the diagnostic connector terminals and the Transmission Control Unit (TCU) and ECU after unplugging the main connector at the TCU and ECU.

The 3rd BROWN diagnostic connector top terminal is not used. The 3rd BROWN diagnostic connector lower terminal is connected to the instrument cluster connector T26c, terminal 26.

Use an Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) resistance measurement to verify a good low resistance connection between the diagnostic connector terminal and the instrument cluster connector T26c/26.

The 4th YELLOW diagnostic connector top terminal is connected to the Engine Control Unit (ECU) terminal 22.

Use an Digital Multi-Meter (DMM) resistance measurement to verify a good low resistance connection between the diagnostic connector terminal and the Engine Control Unit (ECU) terminal 22 after unplugging the main connector at the ECU.


Blink Blink goes the light...... Each fault code consists of four groups of pulses.

The exact sequence for each code is a start sequence of 2.5 seconds with the lamp on, and 2.5 seconds pause with it off.

The codes then follow as a half-second pulse with the LED light on, separated by a half-second pause with the LED light off, with a larger pause of 2.5 seconds between each set of pulses.

Example:If no fault codes are stored, code 4444 will be displayed by the ECU flashing the LED.

The ECU will flash the LED on and off as follows after the jumper wire is inserted into the connectors for 4 seconds and then removed. LED on (2.5 sec), LED off (2.5 sec)

Now here comes the code 4444

Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Code 2322 (Air Temp sensor) would be displayed as follows:

In other words..... Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

Blink, pause, Blink, (2.5 second pause)

The sequence of displayed pulses will repeat until the system is stepped to the next fault code stored (if any) by connecting the jumper wire across the connectors again for 4 seconds.

The LED or "Check Engine Light" will blink once at 2.5 second intervals to indicate that the last error code has been read and that code 0000 is being displayed.

Use a note pad to write down the fault codes as they are displayed and then check for the specific fault code description listed in the section below.

Check the Bentley Manual for additional information. If vehicle is equipped with an Automatic Transmission, the Transmission fault codes can now be read using the PRND321 display light.

See Section Below for more details.

Automatic Transmission Fault Code Reading

1990-91 Audi V8 3.6 litre PT Engine and for 1992-94 Audi V8 with 4.2 litre Engine [7]

The Automatic Transmission uses a control unit that controls shifting operation, and this Transmission control unit communicates directly with the Engine Control Unit (ECU). Both the ECU and the Transmission Control Unit can store fault codes if there is a problem detected with some of the electrical components.

The Transmission may go into "Limp Home" mode if certain components are not working correctly. If the Transmission goes into "Limp Home" mode, all the PRND321 indicators will be lit up, and the transmission will stay in 4th or 3rd gear.

In order to blink out the Transmission Control Unit fault codes, you must first blink out the Engine Control Unit fault codes. In other words, you need to connect the jumper wire for 4 seconds, then remove to read out a code, then connect again for 4 seconds, then remove and read out the next code as many times as required until you get to the end of the ECU fault code testing sequence. The end of the fault code sequence is indicated by the 0000 code which is shown by the Check Engine Light or LED test light blinking on/off every 2.5 seconds.

With the ignition key still on, then connect the jumper again for 4 seconds to start the Automatic Transmission fault code process. The fault codes will be blinked out on the PRND321 Display in the instrument cluster.

The fault code output from the PRND321 display uses the same convention as the ECU fault code blink code output. In other words, connect the jumper wire across the appropriate two terminals for 4 seconds, then remove to flash out the fault codes. Repeat until 0000 code is displayed.

Diagram courtesy of Audi of America

A list of AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION fault codes is at the bottom of this page.

Make sure fuse #29 is ok, as I believe it supplies +12V to the Transmission Control Unit.

NOTE: The Micro-Fiche Repair Manual for the 1990-92 Audi V8 does not list whether the Fault codes can be blinked out using the LED for either the 1990-91 Audi V8 with 3.6 litre or for the 1992 V8 with 4.2 litre Engine, BUT the factory manual for the 1990 V8 with 3.6 litre engine DOES show the fault codes can be blinked out and I have done this on the 1990 Audi V8.

I assume this can be done on the later 1992-94 V8 with 4.2 litre Engine as it uses the same transmission, but I have not verified this.

If the area around all selector positions (PRND321 display) remains lit, See the fault code listings for fault codes 1111 OR 1314. Flash code 4444 means there are no stored fault codes for the Automatic Transmission.

Erasing Fault Codes, ECU Fuses:

1990 Audi V8 Engine Fuse #27 "supposedly" supplies power to the Motronic ECU for maintaining the fault code memory. You "should" be able to remove this fuse #27 for a minute or so to erase any stored fault codes, BUT I have not verified this.

This will also erase any adaptive fuel mixture values stored in the ECU.

The ECU will relearn these values after the car has been driven. You can also erase any stored fault codes by running the OUTPUT tests listed below.

After code 0000 is displayed at the end of the OUTPUT tests, the ECU fault code memory will be erased. Fuses #23 Supplies +12V to the fuel injectors, Fuse #24 supplies +12V to the Idle Stabilizer Valve (ISV) and to the Carbon Canister Solenoid. Fuse #5 Supplies +12V to the Oxygen Sensor heating element.

ECU and Transmission Output Tests

1990-91 Audi V8 with 3.6 litre PT Engine and 1992-94 Audi V8 with 4.2 litre ABH Engine [7]

There is also an "output test" mode that will cycle the engine electrical solenoids on and off to verify they are working correctly. Fuse #27 must be ok for this test to work.

Fuses #23 Supplies +12V to the fuel injectors, Fuse #24 supplies +12V to the Idle Stabilizer Valve (ISV) and to the Carbon Canister Solenoid. Fuse #5 Supplies +12V to the Oxygen Sensor heating element.

Some have found faulty fuel pump relays with cracked internal solder joints, so also check this fuel pump relay if any of these solenoids or devices do not have +12V supplied to them with the engine running.

To activate the Output Tests, you must first connect the Jumper Wire across the Fault Code Connectors as shown in the above diagram and THEN turn on the ignition to begin the output tests.

DON'T START THE ENGINE. Remove the jumper wire after at least 10 seconds.

NOTE: The LED should also be connected so you can see the output test codes blink out, but it does not "have" to be connected to initiate the Output tests.

  • FUEL INJECTOR TESTS: After removing the jumper wire, code 4411 will be blinked out by the LED, indicating injector #1 will be ready for testing, open the engine hood, place your fingers down on fuel injector #1 and then open and close the throttle with your other hand. #1 Injector should click 5 times and then be quiet, place your fingers on Injector #2 and again open and close the throttle, Injector #2 should click 5 times while code 4412 is displayed, then place your fingers on Injector #3 and once again, open and close the throttle, Injector #3 should click 5 times while code 4413 is displayed. Repeat the open/closing of the throttle to test the remaining injectors #4 through #8 while codes 4414, 4421, 4422, 4423, and finally code 4424 for injector #8 is done. After doing the last injector test on Injector #8 the Output test will switch to testing the IDLE STABILIZER VALVE (ISV). You should hear this Idle Stabilizer Valve clunk open and closed. If you go back inside the car, the LED should now be blinking 4431.
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test:
  • Carbon Canister Test Code 4343, will be displayed and the Carbon Canister valve at the back of the engine behind and below the cylinder head will be cycled on and off. You may want to place your hand around the carbon canister valve to feel it operate.
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds. Those with the ABH 4.2 litre Engine have two more Output tests
  • (Test #7) Code 0000, End of Output Test Procedure, ECU fault code memory has been cleared.
  • Now the Transmission Output Tests can be performed, the area around vehicle should be as quiet as possible, in order to "hear" the transmission solenoids and various relays clicking on/off during the output tests.
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1113 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing Solenoid Valve 1-N88
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1121 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing Solenoid Valve 2-N89
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1123 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing Solenoid Valve 3-N90
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1131 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing Solenoid Valve 4-N91
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1133 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing Solenoid Valve 5-N92
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 3434 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing the Cruise Control Relay
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 1323 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing the Kick Down Switch F8 (A/C Kick Down function)
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds to go to the next output test: 4132 will be blinked out on the PRND321 display Testing the Relay for Solenoid Valve
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds.
  • Code 0000, should be displayed, (PRND321 blinks on/off at 2.5 second intervals) indicating the End of Output Test Procedure,
  • Connect the jumper wire again for 4 seconds. The Transmission fault code memory now should be cleared.
  • NOTE: If the area "around" the PRND321 display remains lit up, see the description for fault codes 1111 and 1314 in the ECU fault code section for possible reasons for this problem.
  • NOTE: To repeat the Output tests, the ignition should be turned off for at least 20 seconds. If Output tests are repeated, the INJECTORS will NOT be cycled again, unless the engine is started and run briefly.


The instrument cluster has the ability to store fault codes related to the operation of the 3 speed radiator fan, which it controls with its on board microprocessor.

It also can store a fault code for the oil pressure gauge system. You can use a short jumper wire along with an LED test light to blink out the fault codes stored in the instrument cluster memory. Verify that fuse #27 is ok, as this fuse supplies +12V to the fault code connectors.

With the ignition turned on, use the jumper wire as shown to connect across the terminals for 4 seconds, any stored fault codes will be blinked out using the VAG 1527 shown or a normal LED test light.

The sections above on reading the ECU and Automatic Transmission fault codes give more details on this procedure. The diagram below shows the appropriate connections for blinking out the fault codes.

Diagram courtesy of Audi of America

At the end of the fault code reading sequence, the code 0000 will be displayed. (The LED will flash on/off with a 2.5 second delay)

To erase any stored fault codes in the instrument panel after repairs, conduct the OUTPUT test listed below, when the 0000 code is shown at the end of the OUTPUT tests, the fault memory will be erased.

  • 3111 Sender for coolant temperature (G83) at cylinder head. Defective sender or wiring problem
  • 3112 Sender for coolant temperature (G82) at radiator (lower end) Defective sender or wiring problem
  • 3121 Sender for oil pressure (G10) Sender defective or wiring problem
  • 4444 No Faults recorded in memory
  • 0000 End of fault code reading sequence


The Output tests can verify the operation of the radiator fan, the A/C compressor clutch relay, the interior lighting control, the fuel and temperature gauges and the warning buzzer.

These Output tests are done by first inserting the jumper wire and LED test light as shown below, and then you turn on the ignition (DO NOT START THE ENGINE).

Diagram courtesy of Audi of America

  • Remove the jumper wire after about 4 seconds, and the LED test light will then begin to blink out the 3433 and the radiator fan will step through the 3 speeds of its operation.
  • Now insert the jumper wire again for about 4 seconds and remove, then the code 3434 will be blinked out, and the A/C compressor relay will click on and off.
  • Insert the jumper wire again for about 4 seconds and remove, then the code 3443 will be blinked out, and the fuel gauge should show approximately 15 gal, the coolant temperature gauge should show approximately 80C (176F), and the interior lights are switched on.
  • Insert the jumper wire again for 4 seconds and remove, then the code 3444 will be blinked out, and the warning buzzer in the instrument cluster will sound.
  • Insert the jumper wire again for 4 seconds and remove, then the fault code 0000 will be displayed (LED will flash on/off at 2.5 second intervals to signify the 0000 code) The fault code memory will now be erased.

LED "Test Light" Construction,

(Equivalent to US 1115, or VAG1527) for blinking out fault codes.

The LED with a series resistor is normally connected across two terminals on the fault code connectors to blink out fault codes and Output Test codes.

Diagram courtesy of Audi of America

The LED normally needs a resistor in series to limit the current, most LED's operate with 10-30 milli-amps (0.010 to 0.030 amps). A 1/4 watt 680 ohm resistor works pretty well but you don't have to use a resistor with exactly 680 ohms.

The current that is flowing through the LED test light circuit is calculated as follows: Charging system voltage minus voltage drop across LED, divided by the resistance (14 Volts - 1.2 Volts)/680 = 18.8 milli-amps (0.0188 amps).

The lower the value of resistance, the more current that flows and the brighter the LED, up until the point the smoke gets out. Some LED's are sold in packages which detail the recommended maximum current allowed.

Radio Shack should have the necessary components to build this LED test light. There are some newer "Super bright" LED's that some electronic supply houses carry that should work great in this application. I normally use two different colored.

Wires (black/red) as the LED is polarity sensitive, the flat section on the LED lamp is normally the negative connection. Bolt lug terminals (U shaped) with one leg trimmed off, can be crimped on the wire ends to allow easy insertion into the fault code connector terminals. It won't hurt it if you connect the LED backwards, it just won't make any light.....the resistor can be connected in series on either the + or - wire to the LED. The US 1115 tool operates the same as the standard LED test light described above.

The newer VAG1527B "may" be the type of LED test light, that uses 2 different colored LED's, so the test light will work when connected either way to ground and to +12V (i.e. with reverse polarity connections).

This type of LED test light can indicate which connection is grounded and which connection has +12V without having to swap the test leads.

As far as its use when checking instrument panel fault codes, the standard LED test lamp described above, should work fine.

Engine Control Unit (ECU) Fault Code Listing

1990-94 Audi V8 [7]

NOTE: The fault codes shown below indicate that the ECU has recorded a problem with one or more of the following: A system component, the wiring, the wiring connections, or from a engine mechanical problem (vacuum leak, low compression, etc.).

If you get multiple fault codes recorded, step through the fault code reading sequence and write down all the fault codes that were recorded. After you locate the source of the problem for the "first" fault code you read, you may want to then clear all the fault codes stored and drive the car again to see if the other fault codes are stored again. In some cases multiple fault codes are recorded even though there may be only one problem with the system.

Code Number Source of Fault code Possible cause Recommended Check or Repair Symptom in some cases

  • 1111 Engine Control Unit (ECU) Defective memory circuits, incorrect Checksum for EPROM(s) (this can occur on some modified ECU's) Check ECU ground connections, pins #10, 14, 19, 24, 26, Replace ECU?
  • 1231 Vehicle Speed Sensor (ABH 4.2 litre Engine) Open or short circuit, wiring problem, Defective sensor
  • 2111 RPM sensor

    Open or short circuit,

    Defective sensor & cables, metal fragments on flywheel teeth

  • 2112 Timing (62 degrees BTDC) reference sensor

    Flywheel pin damaged/missing,

    Mis-located Sensor, flywheel pin, distributor hall sensor out of adjustment

  • 2113 Hall sender in distributor

    Distributor alignment, faulty sender,

    Mis-located sensor & distributor.

  • 2114 Hall sender not at reference mark.

    Toothed Belt skipped tooth or out of position

  • 2121 Idle switch

    Switch open ckt, stuck closed, throttle cable adjustment incorrect

    Switch defective (Internal solder connections intermittent) or wiring problem

  • 2123 Full Throttle switch inside throttle potentiometer PT Engine Only

    Switch short ckt, contact 53 constantly grounded

    Switch defective (Internal solder connections intermittent, moisture inside switch or wiring problem

  • 2141 First Knock regulation

    Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount,

    Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, Abnormal Engine noises

  • 2142 Knock sensor #1

    Open or short circuit, Defective sensor

    Check sensor and wiring

    Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss

  • 2144 Knock Sensor #2, (Cylinders 3, 4, 5)

    Open or short circuit,

    Defective sensor or wiring

    Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss, Boost pressure not attained

  • 2212Throttle Potentiometer

    Defective Throttle Potentiometer assembly,

    Defective wiring/connections

  • 2214 Max RPM Limit Exceeded (6793 RPM), ABH Engine only

    Driver Error, engine over-revved

  • 2231 Idle Speed Valve (ISV) Control,

    Idle speed adaptation limit exceeded, Sticky ISV, air leak.

  • 2232 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor G70

    Open or short circuit, defective sensor, system possibly in limp home mode

  • 2234 Supply Voltage Problem,

    ECU supply voltage too low or too high. Check grounds and +12V supply Wires at ECU connector.

  • 2312 Coolant sensor

    Open or short circuit,

    Defective sensor or wiring

    Symptom: Cold starting difficulties at low temperatures, Poor idle and acceleration during warm up

  • 2314 Engine/Transmission Electrical connection

    Open or short circuit in wiring between Engine and Transmission

  • 2322 Inlet air temp

    Open or short circuit

    Defective sensor or wiring

    Symptom: Slight power loss, Increase in fuel consumption

  • 2324 ECU has Defective Grounds or is Defective (Shown for ABH Engine Only)

    Check Ground Terminals 10, 14, 19, 24 on ECU

    NOTE:The Micro-Fiche Repair manual shows this 2324 code to ALSO be the code for the MAF Sensor for the ABH engine, but I believe this is a typo error in the fiche. Code 2232 is shown for the PT Engine MAF Sensor, and I assume the ABH engine uses this same 2232 code for the MAF sensor

  • 2341 Oxygen Sensor Control Limit exceeded,

    fuel pressure too low or too high, intake or exhaust leak, defective ignition system component,

    intake air leak after air mass sensor, O2 sensor is faulty

    Symptom: CO before catalyst is below 0.3% or greater than 1.0%,

    Extremely lean or overly rich exhaust, Spark Plug fouling,

    California vehicles: Check Engine Light should be ON

  • 2342 Oxygen Sensor Signal (voltage) is not changing up and down, (Shown for ABH Engine Only)

    Signal shorted to ground or to +12V,

    Fuse #5 blown, O2 Sensor heating element not working,

    Ground problem between ECU pin 10 and engine block,

    fuel pressure too low or too high, intake or exhaust system leak, defective ignition system component,

    intake air leak after air mass sensor, O2 sensor is faulty

    Overly rich exhaust, Spark Plug fouling,

    California vehicles: Check Engine Light should be ON

  • 2411 EGR Valve Temperature, G98, (ABH Engine Only, California Vehicles Only)

    Fuse 24 defective

    Temp Sensor Defective

    Valve not operating, vacuum line problem

  • 2413 Mixture Adaptation problem, outside of normal range (ABH Engine Only)

    Too Lean or Too Rich

    Vacuum or hose leaks,

    Fuel Pressure problem

  • 3242 Oxygen Sensor(Shown for PT Engine Only)

    Sensor Wiring or Sensor defective

    Heat resistor in sensor defective, Signal wiring shorted to ground, Fuel tank empty, Ignition system component failure, air leak at mass air flow sensor, air leak in exhaust pipe before catalyst, poor engine ground wire.

    Symptom: Emissions not within specifications

  • 3424 Fault Lamp Trigger Defective, (Shown for PT Engine)

    short to + or to ground

    Symptom: California Vehicles: "Check" engine light on dash does not light up with ignition on

  • 4312 EGR Valve N18 (Shown for ABH Engine Only, California Vehicles Only)

    Signal shorted to ground or to +12V

    Check Wiring between ECU and N18

  • 4334 O2 Sensor Heating Element circuit problem (Shown for ABH Engine Only)

    Check Fuse #5 and wiring to sensor

    O2 Sensor Defective

  • 4343 Carbon Canister,

    Open or short circuit

    Symptom: Poor response in part of load range, fuel odors, idle speed affected

    NOTE: Fuel Injectors are operated in pairs as detailed below.

  • 4411 Fuel Injectors for Cylinder 1 and Cylinder 5,

    Open or short circuit

    Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls

  • 4412 Fuel Injectors for Cylinder 2 and Cylinder 7,

    Open or short circuit

    Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls

  • 4413 Fuel Injectors for Cylinder 3 and Cylinder 6,

    Open or short circuit

    Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls

  • 4414 Fuel Injectors for Cylinder 4 and Cylinder 8,

    Open or short circuit

    Symptom: Engine runs rough or stalls

  • 4431 Idle Stabilizer Valve,

    Open or short circuit,

    Symptom: Engine speed out of range, Fuse 24 faulty

  • 4444 No Faults have been recorded.

  • 0000 End of ECU Diagnostic Output


  • 1111 Control Unit Defective

    Open Circuit to 8 pin plug on transmission

  • 1113 Solenoid Valve 1-N88

    Open or short Circuit, Solenoid Valve defective

  • 1121 Solenoid Valve 2-N89

    Open or short Circuit, Solenoid Valve Defective

  • 1123 Solenoid Valve 3-N90

    Open or short Circuit, Solenoid Valve defective

  • 1131 Solenoid Valve 4-N91

    Open or short Circuit, Solenoid Valve defective

  • 1133 Solenoid Valve 5-N92

    Open or short Circuit, Solenoid Valve defective

  • 1231 Transmission Speed Sending Unit

    Open or short Circuit, defective sending unit

  • 1233 Wheel Speed Sensor for ABS (Front Left)

    Problem with connection wire between ABS Control Unit and Transmission Control Unit, open or short circuit

    Check ABS Speed Sensor Operation

  • 1241 Wheel Speed Sensor for ABS (Front Right)

    Problem with connection wire between ABS Control Unit and Transmission Control Unit, open or short circuit

    Check ABS Speed Sensor Operation

  • 1243 Wheel Speed Sensor for ABS (Right Rear)

    Problem with connection wire between ABS Control Unit and Transmission Control Unit, open or short circuit

    Check ABS Speed Sensor Operation

  • 1311 Wheel Speed Sensor for ABS (Left Rear)

    Problem with connection wire between ABS Control Unit and Transmission Control Unit, open or short circuit

    Check ABS Speed Sensor Operation

  • 1314 Multi-Function Switch (F 125)

    Open or short Circuit, defective switch

  • 1323 Kick Down Switch (F8)

    Open or short Circuit, defective switch

  • 1332 Program Switch (E122)

    Open or short Circuit with wiring to Transmission Control unit, defective switch

  • 2122 No Speed info

    Connection wire between ECU and Transmission Control Unit,

    open circuit, short circuit to ground or positive

  • 2131 Brake Light Switch

    Problem with connection wire between brake pedal switch for cruise control (F47) and contact 4 of Transmission control unit

    Check brake light switch operation and adjustment

    NOTE: Fault code 2131 will be recorded after ignition is turned on and will be erased AFTER the first time the brake pedal is pushed after starting the engine.

  • 2134

    Supply Voltage to Control Unit

    Open or short circuit between terminal 30 (battery +12V) and contact 39 of the Transmission Control Unit

  • 2212 Throttle Valve Potentiometer

    Connection wire between G69 and Transmission Control Unit,

    Open or short circuit,

    Check operation of throttle valve potentiometer

  • 2234Control Unit Power Supply

    Open or short circuit, check +12V supply to control unit

  • 2241 Reference Voltage (for load information)

    Connection wire between contacts 27 and 45 of the Transmission Control Unit,

    Open or short circuit

  • 2243 Consumption Signal

    Connection Wires between Engine Control Unit (ECU) and Transmission Control Unit,

    Open or short circuit

  • 2314 Engine/Transmission Electrical Connection

    Check connection Wires between ECU and Transmission Control Unit

  • 3221 Switch for Reverse (F41)

    Open or short circuit

    Defective Multi-Function switch or reverse switch



References: [7] Audi of America, Audi V8 Repair Manual

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