Vehicles Covered
1986-88 5000 Turbo and Turbo Quattro,
1989-91 200 Turbo and Turbo Quattro,
1986-88 5000S (Some Info applies)
1989-91 100

1992-97 Audi 100/S4/A6/S6

(USA based Audi vehicles, some information is valid for UK and European models.)

**The Trouble-shooting Tips and information are written for the Mechanic/Technician who has experience repairing automobiles.

It is assumed that they have received some automotive repair training and have read the appropriate service or repair sections in the Robert Bentley factory repair manual.

The trouble-shooting information is "not" designed to be all encompassing, nor does it have "all" the details that may be required by a novice mechanic who is trying to repair their vehicle for the first time.


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